Close your eyes please.
Take a deep breath in 3s and then slowly let it out. 3 seconds = 3s
Now place your hands, palms facing each other, at the level of your heart and visualize Mother Earth between your hands. 3s
Pour out Love and gratitude from your heart and let it cover the Earth itself..5s
Now imagine your country, and the city or town in which you live, and offer this Love. 3s
Share this Love with your family 3s, your beloved ones, people who are dear to you who care for you, your friends 3s. Let this Love flow to them. 5s
Offer Love to those who are ill or suffering 3s Offer it to all the people who are working for the welfare of humanity and planet Earth. 3s
Let all vibrate in that Love. 5s
Share this Love with everyone 3s: with the whole world 3s, with nature, with the animals, the plants, the oceans, and the birds in the sky. 5s
See this Love shining everywhere. 5s
Finally see yourself in that flow of Love too 5s
Now, place your hands over your heart. 3s
See yourself shining with this Love, radiating it everywhere. 5s
Remember this gift inside of you throughout the day and share it with others. 3s
Thank you for joining the Earth Meditation Movement.